Types of Documentaries
Types of Documentaries There are six different sub genres of the documentary film genre itself, these are poetic, expository, participatory, observational, reflexive and performative. These modes establish a way that the documentary will be constructed and set up certain expectations for the viewers. Poetic - This mode of documentary became widely popular in the 1920s, a poetic documentary is often non linear and lacking a clear narrative thrust. They rely heavily on juxtaposition of images and sound to create a mood or tone. Through this, the audience are shown an abstract, subjective, representation of reality that is achieved through techniques such as emphasized visuals and a narrative organised to fit the mood of the documentarian or documentary rather than the linear, logical organization that films followed prior to this. This type of documentary often had the intention of providing a biased, subjective reality to help shape how the audience felt on the subjects covered in...