Analysing existing products

Analysing Documentaries

The Future of Fashion with Alexa Chung

I watched the first episode of a Vogue docuseries titled 'The Future of Fashion with Alexa Chung' to help me gain perspective into how a fashion documentary should be constructed and give me ideas I can put into use when creating my own documentary. This was a short documentary and was 11 minutes long, which I found helpful due to the fact my own documentary will be about the same time frame. I found that the first minute of the documentary was shots of the filmmaker and a voiceover behind a montage of videos relating to the subject of the documentary, giving the viewer an insight to what they are about to watch. Followed by this, the documentary title was displayed in a large font accompanied by the same montage of fashion billboards setting the theme of the video. There were many shots of the filmmaker talking directly to the camera which leads me to believe that this documentary was created in a participatory style due to the fact there is a clear relationship between the filmmaker and the audience, she is constantly talking directly to the viewers and asking questions while expressing her own opinions on the subjects. I also believe this documentary is partly made in the reflexive style as we follow the filmmaker on her journey to meeting the person she was interviewing, all the way through to the rest of the interview process. This same process was repeated later in the documentary as we see her go on through the design process of one of the brands she was interviewing   


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