Regional Identity survey results

 Regional identity survey

As part of my research into the audience for this project, I chose to construct a survey monkey that I shared around my social medias so that I could get a wide range of different people to participate in completing it. The questions that appeared on the survey were fashion related to see what things people would be interested in seeing in my documentary whilst also making sure that the target audience would be interested in the content I will be providing.

The first question that I asked was 'How old are you?'. I asked this question so I could get an idea of whether the people responding were part of the target audience age. I found that the 17 people who answered this question were all in the target audience age range. 47.06% of people were in the 16-17 age bracket with 29.41% of people aged 18, 17.65% aged 19 and 5.88% aged 20. Through this I found that the majority of people partaking in my survey were aged between 16 and 17.

he second question that I asked was 'Are you interested in fashion?'. This question garnered 17 responses with 11 people answering yes, 3 people saying no, as well as 3 people responding with maybe. These results tell me that 64.71% of people taking part in the survey are interested in the topic of my documentary. Just 17.65% of people said they weren't interested in fashion with another 17.65% saying that they were maybe interested. This showed me that the majority of people in the target audience would be interested in the topic of my documentary
The next question I asked was 'Would you be interested in learning about the history of fashion in the north east and local brands and companies?' This received 17 responses with 10 people answering that they would be interested. Another 4 people saying that they were maybe interested and just 3 people who wouldn't be interested. Yet again, I found that the majority of people would like to learn about the history of fashion in the north east and local brands and companies. These results gave me an idea of what to cover in my documentary that people would be interested in.
Another question I asked in my survey was 'Have you ever bought from north east owned fashion brands/designers?' I received a total of 17 responses to this question with only 47.06% of people responding with yes. 23.53% of people said that they hadn't and 29.41% stated that they were unsure whether they had. These results were very helpful and instantly highlighted the need for more recognition into north east brands which i now know to provide in my documentary.
The final question I asked was 'What would you be most interested in learning about related to fashion?' I specified that people answering the question could tick as many boxes as they would like so that I could find out exactly what to add to my documentary. The four answer choices i added were 'Local fashion brands/companies', 'Stylists who are from the north east', 'How fashion has evolved over time in the north east' and 'Local fashion designers'. 16 people responded to this question and overall there were 40 responses to the answer choices combined. The fashion topic people were most interested in learning about was local fashion brands and companies with 12 people ticking this box. 10 people were interested in learning about how fashion has evolved in the north east and another 10 wanting to learn about local fashion designers. Finally, only 8 people wanted to hear about stylists who are from the north east in my documentary, overall these results showed me that my main focus in my documentary should be on local brands and fashion companies in the north east of England.


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