Risk Assessment

 Risk Assessment

I have completed a risk assessment for my regional identity project titled 'Fashion in The Northeast', I am doing this in the form of a documentary therefore I created a Risk Assessment (pictured above) to highlight all the risks I may come across during production. When going through the possible risks I may tackle, I found that the hazards I may face were Cold Environment, Manual Handling, Trip Hazard, Physical Fatigue, Stress / Anxiety and Nuisance Noise / Vibration. I acknowledged who would be exposed to these hazards ( the Cast and Camera Crew) and the level of risk they would be exposed to. I also went into great detail on the measures that will be put into place to minimize the risk, then I identified the level of risk after these control measures would be put into place. I also filled out details like the production name, organization, production address, producer / editor, start date and end date, distribution, everyone involved, locations and assessor.


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